In God’s image

Lecture by: Evang Adeniyi Olaogun on Sat 18-12-21 on the CCC Lagos State Youth Organisation platform

Our topic for tonight is: In God’s image and the Bible text is: Gen 1:26-27

Holy Spirit, we welcome you. Please breathe on us and fill us afresh in Jesus name

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Living Bible
26 Then God said, “Let us make a man[a]—someone like ourselves,* to be the master of all life upon the earth and in the sk…
[19:58, 03/03/2023] KAY LADY B: Bible Study

Topic: Productivity of faith
Text: Hebrews 11:2

Good evening, people of God. Trust we are doing well individually and as family. This is another opportunity for us to share the wisdom of God and I appreciate everyone who is available on this platform or joins later to partake of this sharing. You shall be greatly rewarded in Jesus name.

“For those that know their God shall be strong and do exploit” (Dan.
11:32). As believers we depend on God in all we do in life. To achieve anything in life, we need to trust Him. Hebrews 11 presents to us the examples of God’s people of old who have made history because they put their trust in Him. We have their record today that we may learn from them and be inspired to even do better.
In this era, we believers need to activate faith in our walk with God which will not only establish us in our journey to the Kingdom but will also attract many unbelievers to Christ seeing the result of our demonstration of faith.

The Concept of Faith
Simply put, Faith is the trust we put in God to achieve a goal or desire irrespective of the circumstances that may be obviously standing against such desire from becoming a reality.
Productivity as used in this context simply means to yield; to produce a desired result.

Productivity of faith therefore refers to faith yielding or giving the desired result.

How to make our faith to be productive

We shall consider the following key elements which are vital in making faith to yield desired result.
1. Trust in God
Heb 11:6 Trust that He exists and lives and He is your God. Trust Him that His promise concerning you will not fail (Num. 23:19). Trust Him to lead you in all your endeavours being assured that His leading is the best for you (Jn 10: 3-4 )Trust Him that your prayers to Him have been answered Matt 7:7. Trust Him that, in whatever storm of life you find yourself in, He will make you sail through in the end knowing He is with you (Isa. 43:2). Trust Him that He will surely reward your giving (Gal.:6:9) and labour in life endeavours or house of God or ministry (1 Cor. 15:58). Trust Him to preserve and secure your life here on earth and in eternity (John 10:28-29). This is a very key element of faith.

2. Make it Work
This may be in form of meeting certain requirements or demonstrating obedience to certain important or divine instructions or taking a daring step of faith.

a . Aside from the trust we have in God, we need to do the needful on our part to bring our expectations to reality. In some cases, the requirement for a particular aspect we are trusting God for must be met to make our trust in God productive. A lady, during a Bible class on faith narrated that she desired to study Medicine and had faith that she would gain admission to study the course. However, she was denied admission several times because she could meet the cut off mark for the course. The teacher asked her some questions and she responded that she hated Biology because of too many drawings and notes volume. And that was the problem. How can one get admitted to study medicine without being well grounded in Biology which is among the compulsory subjects for the course? Trusting God without doing what is expected of us (which is within our capacity) can’t work. God is a God of order and and principle. Often times, if we don’t get the principle and requirement right, faith won’t work.

b . Also, obeying instructions matters a lot in making our faith yield result. For the wall of Jericho to fall, the Israelites had to obey God’s instruction to move round the wall for 7 days in a total of 13 times (Josh 6:3-4). The blind man from birth had to obey the instruction given by Jesus to him after anointing his eyes with clay, to go bath in the pool of Shiloam (Jn 9:6,9,11). He did and he received his sight. One can not disregard God’s leading and expect result.
c . Taking a step out of determination goes a long way in making our faith productive. Despite the crowd, the woman with the issue of blood was determined and struggled to reach Jesus and touched His garment. Immediately, she was healed. The four men who brought a sick man to Jesus had to open the room to present the man to Jesus. He was moved by their step of faith. He forgave and healed the sick man as a result (Mk 5: 27-28). At times, we need to move for God to move in our situation.

3. Patience
There is divine timing. Our timing may not align with God’s timing at some point. This is where we need patience. Habakkuk 2:3 states that … it is for an appointed time. Even though it tarries wait for it…. it will surely come. Also God tests our trust at times with delay. In both cases, if our faith stands the test of time and with wait for God’s time, He is faithful to reward us with our expectations and even more.

4. Perseverance
While waiting there could be a lot of pain, insult, embarrassments, suffering, etc . After or while doing the needful and you’re waiting, looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith, you may face some challenges. But remember that the thought He has for you is good, to grant your expectations in the end (Jer. 29:11). Do not stop trusting Him.

In conclusion brethren, let’s be steadfast in our walk with God. He never fails (CCC Hymn 743; 878 chorus). Let’s search ourselves and make things right with Him. And let’s trust Him that He will never fail us. This generation awaits our stories of faith too. Let’s be determined to make it work.

I pray that:
1. Wherever you have missed it in your own part, the mercy of God will prevail there and make it right for you in Jesus name.
2. Your expectations in CCC will not be cut short in Jesus name
3. The Lord shall begin to lead you to take steps of faith that will yield testimonies for you in Jesus name.
4. Your membership in CCC shall not end in emptiness, disappointment and shame in Jesus name.
5. Your life shall be a testimony that Christ reigns in CCC in Jesus name

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