Power of Faith

9th October, 2021
By: Bro David Zion

I will give you a picture of what I’m going to say tonight for better understanding
I will like to paint the picture of Abraham in the bible.
A lot of times we have misunderstood the power of Faith.
Faith is not powerless. Everything about us depends solemnly on Faith. Without Faith we are lifeless.
For he that cometh to God must believe.( Hebrew 11:6)
It is a must for us to believe whenever we come to God.
God made a promise to Abraham about making him the father of many nations. But God had to test his Faith to know if he was going to become it. The power of Faith is revealed through test. You don’t have a powerful Faith until you are tested and come out victorious.
A lot of Christian’s Faith can’t move a chair not even to talk of moving mountains.
Abraham knew that God meant what He said and he(Abraham) was ready to die to see the fulfilment of God’s word in his life.
In Genesis 22:1-19
God wanted to see the power of Faith in Abraham, So He put him (Abraham) in a situation where his decision will determine the outcome of his entire generation.

God told Abraham to go and offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering on a mountain in the land of Moriah…
Now let us examine the power of Faith that was found in Abraham.


Without the fear of God, Faith is powerless. It is the fear of God in your heart that empower your Faith. So many Christian’s are operating with powerless Faith because of not having the fear of God in their heart. Anywhere you see Faith, there is the fear of God at work. It is very easy for everyone to say that they have Faith, but only the fear of God in their heart will reveal who they are. It is the fear of God in the heart of Abraham that revealed him to God.


After Abraham had offered the offering to God in Genesis 15:8-11. He was so determined to know how God was going to fulfill His promise. Because of this he drove away the fowls when he saw them near the offering that he has made to God. God saw the determination in the heart of Abraham and was pleased to have called him. A lot of us are so careless about the offering of God,we don’t even care about the offering and the God who deserves it. If you are not determined to see the fulfilment of God’s promise,then your Faith is powerless. Faith is powerful when there is determination in our hearts.


Abraham must slaughter the offering before he burnt it which is Isaac his only son. Imagine the process of killing his offering. Can you relate! Because it will only take a dead Man to slaughter his own only son by himself. Already Abraham is a dead Man at this point. Abraham became the father of faith because of the level of his power in Faith. If you are not dead to self, your faith is powerless. I don’t know who I’m speaking to here tonight, but can you just kill that flesh that is fighting your Faith. Untill you succeed in killing that your flesh, the power of your Faith will not be revealed.
So many people are self conscious in the church today. They have exalted themselves above the commandment of God.


This another very powerful aspect of Faith that we must not joke with. If you don’t have the Faith that pleases the Lord,then you don’t have faith. Because the purpose of Faith is to please God and not only to ask and receive
Abraham knew if he had told Sarah his wife about the offering,she would have made him to disobey God. Sometimes it is not in our will to disobey God, but those who advice us. There are some things concerning our lives that must not be shared with other people no matter the closeness.
Let me stop here tonight because of our time, but before I go let me say this again.



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