Before I say I do

Topic: Before I say I do
Date: Sat 25th September
Lecture: Bro. Iyanuoluwa Sule

This topic has to do with things you and i needs to know before accepting a marriage proposal.
We should know that marriage is a lifetime commitment, so therefore it really needs dedication, attention, and also divine intervention, because it’s a spiritual fulfilling lifetime experience. here are some things we need to put into consideration before saying I do

The Bible did said it’s not good for a man to be alone he should find a companion and same Bible said he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtained favor from God .

  1. God first : The Bible did told us that in any step we want to take in life we should put God first and he shall direct our path, and we shouldn’t lean or rely only on our own understanding cos it will never be enough in fulfilling destiny, proverbs 3:5-6.
  2. Love Beyond Physical Appearance :
    There is something constant in human’s life which is called change, this changes brings lots of things in relationships which both man and woman can’t phantom, it might be change in beauty, or even an accident might occur and may claim some part of the body, for some people who their love is based mostly on the physical looks, it will be very difficult for such to maintain the marriage because the look of his or partner is been tampered with. Some might love their spouse because of her stature and it happens to ladies after 2 or more kids some have big Tommy, some will be fat excessively, while some loose their fashion sense.

3: Be sure you’re ready and be sure to give all: I’ve heard lots of people around me even in movies saying marriage is 50/50, brethren it’s a burnt lie from the pit of hell. You should’ve ready at all time to sacrifice by giving all in your marriage, because He/She is your life companion, because some ladies or men are like if they earn 400 naira their spouse must not know they earn that amount instead they will say it’s 300 naira, why ???all these should be tackled before saying yes I do.

4: Family Background: kai this one ennn has been affecting lots of marriages, you should know the status, health, value, opinion, culture, belief, tradition of the household, hometown you’re getting a wife or husband from, in some family there are some certain atonement to appease their family gods before getting married and some eating of frog for days and so on, I tell you Jesus is real, he’s all powerful but yet this things you must know and put them into consideration, it is a paramount reason to be considered before saying I do because more than half of marriage is been ruined because of lack of knowledge of family background.

  1. Financial Stability: the both partner needs to know their daily,weekly, monthly income, outcome and their expenditure vividly before settling for marriage, they should be able to manage each other, one should be able to help other when issue arise, or even if for instance: one of them get probably sacked, the other partner should be able to carry the responsibility of the family without glaring lapses .this is also more important thing to be considered.
  2. Understanding the nature of your spouse job : you need to understand your partner nature of job , for example, you’re about to marry a soldier, you should know that he or she can be transferred to any state at any point in time, or you are getting married to a doctor, apart from been transferred some job gives lesser time for one family, and for newly weeded couples they really need dedicated time. Or you are getting married to a shepherd, so all these you must know before accepting a marriage proposal.
  3. Religion: this is also a reason why some parents detest their children getting married to their loved ones, it’s a barrier one needs to look up to because most families who’re Muslim won’t want their son-in-law or daughter-in-law going to church, they will rather make sure the marriage ends. Even our bibles said in 2 Corinthians 6:14 That :
    Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
    My last point is this

8: Be certain you’re with the one you love: Are you sure you’re not in love with another person? Because I’ve seen and heard a series of things, I’ve heard someone saying: I love my husband but I prefer my bestie to him, probably he’s more romantic or caring …… compare to her spouse I don’t know but I’m sure it’s might not be her opinion to take him as a husband.
You need to be sure of this: Is it your own opinion not because he or she said he’s ready or she’s ready or family age pressurizing you, or because your mates have all her wedded and they are insulting you or you’re left out?

Thank you.

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