The Mission and Vision of CCC & the Journey to Achieve them

Date: 18th September 2021


Celestial Church of Christ is a spiritual, world-wide, united, indivisible Holy Church that came into the world from heaven by DIVINE ORDER on the 29th of September 1947 in Porto Novo, Republic of Benin through the founder of the Church, the Late Reverend, Pastor, Prophet, Founder Samuel Bilehou Joseph Oshoffa. The Church is well known with Parishes, Dioceses all over the world with its International Headquarters in Nigeria.


Let’s take a look at section 2 of Celestial Church of Christ Constitution; the divine order through the founder.
“On the 29th of September, 1947, in the deep mystery of the divine appearance, during prayer, of the winged angel bathed in intense light, word came from God to the Founder:
“It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching to the world. Many nominal Christians there are who, when confronted by difficulties and problems of this world, they run after fetish priests and other powers of darkness for all kinds of assistance. Consequently, on their death, they cannot see Christ because, by their action, Satan has left his spiritual mark on them.

We can extract from here that the vision is to see/have Christians in a good relationship with God thereby making Heaven.


To worship God Almighty in holiness and reverence.
To Preach the good news of the Messiah – Jesus Christ and the imminent Kingdom of God through evangelism, Bible Classes, Bible Lectures, organized spiritual forums, and print and electronic media.
To prepare believers for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
To work for the unification of all Christians.

How do we achieve this?

I would have loved to make this a general discussion but let me drop a few points then we can add to it, because to achieve this we have to do it collectively from every department of the church even down to the Sunday School.

1. Orientation/Re-Orientation about the church and purpose of we worshipping in her. Many people worship in the church without knowing what the church is about. Many have spent decades without even knowing the purpose or significance of some injunction of the church. Her members need to first of all understand this before going into the world to proclaim the word so that we won’t be caught unaware.

2. In depth training of Levites: shepherds should be properly equipped with divers teachings, trainings and mentoring in other to move the church forward. Their work doesn’t just end on the pulpit or in the church surroundings it’s extends more. I was in a discussion some day about marriage and someone said that after the wedding ceremony and the joining in the church the shepherd doesn’t bother to ask about the progress of the marriage or counsel the couples and help strengthen their faith were it’s weakens. We really need to work on this. Yorouba adage says “what a bird eats is what he will fly with” (please interpret as appropriate).

3. Proper administrative structure: I strongly believe that the strength is in its administrative structure. If it is weak, the church will be weak to an extent no matter the spirituality.

4. Welfarism package: Levites and her members should be properly catered for in other to keep their interest even Jesus understood this when he fed the multitude and talk about the lost sheep. Imagine how risky it is to leave 99 sheeps just for 1 sheep. Wow! Plans should be made for the Levites and their family. If the shepherd dies while serving what do we have to offer their family or if a member dies while serving what do we do?
Let’s now launch into the deep to win the souls through:

Morning Cry: as we use to call it in the students fellowship. I can remember my late mom in the 90s always going from one street to another jingling the bell and preaching while I watch her arrival from the window or even outside when I here her jingling on her way back. Do we still do this?
House to house, street to street, post to post. I remember how tears was rolling form my eyes when I was playing the snare drums during the Palm Sunday proclamation of the reign of our Lord Jesus Christ how they were happy seeing us and hearing the proclaimations of His reign then I know that they are people who thirst to Worship with God but are been tied down by forces or does not know how or have not heard about Jesus. There is work to do, may God strengthen us in Jesus name, Amen.

Revival: one if does things the founder and our Lord Jesus Christ use in proclaiming the Word of God was constant Revival as they were been lead by the spirit. So many revival this days are not of significance and not soul wining, what are we now doing, festival or ceremony? Hmmmm, revival is meant to revive that which is dead in people, to set free, loose, break, give peace, hope and win souls to God and not the festival that we do to get money or some kind of publicity without proclaiming God to the fullest.

I want to leave the remaining to us to ponder upon.

Have you discovered yourself and your purpose in/for this church, Celestial Church of Christ. If not pray to God to reveal it to you.

Conclusion: to achieve the vision and mission of Celestial Church of Christ, we all need to come together and leave all our differences and allow the Holy Spirit to work as of old. Jeremiah 6: 16(AMP:Thus says the Lord: Stand by the roads and look; and ask for the eternal paths, where the good, old way is; then walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk in it!)

Prayer Point: Lord Jesus reveal my purpose in this church and give me the strength to contribute my part positively to the growth of your church, Celestial Church of Christ and Christianity at large.

Thank you.

Bro. Banjo Emmanuel


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